Power BI is one of the important tools that a data analyst should be able to use. It is an interactive data visualization tool developed by Microsoft, and its primary focus is on business intelligence. The analysis done today was on a dataset gotten from kaggle. It contains information about the best selling books on amazon and some of its features such as prices, genre, reviews,year, ratings, name of the books and their authors. Using power bi for visualization is very interesting because of its varieties in availability of charts and graph types. I imported the data downloaded from kaggle into power bi, the data came in a csv(comma seperated value) format. Some of the visuals are shown below. The pie-chart below shows that the Nonfiction genre is generally pricier or more expensive than the Fictional genre.
The chart below however compares the book reviews by genre and shows that, in contrast to the prices, the fictional genre is more reviewed than the non-fiction genre.
Analyzing the authors column and the count of reviews(which generally shows how often the book was bought) makes available the bestselling authors which is shown below. The chart shows that Jeff Kinney sold the most books, followed closely by Rick Riordan. It can be noted that most of these authors write fictional books.
To obtain the user rating which is used frequently, the user ratings column is compared with the count of user ratings. The resulting visual is shown below. From the image, it is observed that the 4.8 rating is used the most; about 127 times. The least frequently used rating is 3.3 and 3.6, which is used only once. High ratings are to be expected as this data is of the best selling books in amazon, therefore is expected to have good ratings
Comparing the name of the books and their prices shows us the most expensive books and their names, which is shown below. The visual shows that most of the expensive books are non fiction, which confirms the pie chart shown earlier, where the non-fiction books are pricier than fictional books.
Using Power BI as a tool to explore this dataset and find insights has been incredibly interesting. I look forward to improving my skills as this is one of the essential tools for data professionals.